Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC.
Blogger Lift is a new feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.
I am filled 'till July. If you don;t mind being featured in a few months in The Blogger Lift, contact me :)
JudeHnd@Gmail.com or message me on Goodreads Jude.
Featured this week:
Bloggers: Meredith and Erin.
Tags: Review. Super Cute. Good Books. Mint Tea.
Tags: Review. Super Cute. Good Books. Mint Tea.
Looking for a Cute Blog with a Cute Design, Cute Post and Really Nice Bloggers? Search No More. Mint Tea and A Good Book is the Blog you're looking for.
1.-In Between Writing and Reading, what do you like to do?
Mint Tea and A Good Book: I love to go swimming, play tennis, and bake. And yeah, go to the bookstore and library. (if that counts)
2.-Convince me to join your Blog Twitter style. 140 characters or less. GO!
MT&AGB: Mint Tea and A Good Book is fun, cute, and we have stunning reviews and tons of fun and cool features! ;) Plus we have awesome giveaways. (new giveaways coming soon)
3.-A Tea. An Actor. A Store.
MT&AGB: Mint Tea. Hailee Steinfield. Book People. (book store in Texas)
4.-Do you actually like Mint Tea O.o?
MT&AGB: Yes! When I decided to make a book blog (I was inspired by GReads, I Eat Words, and The Story Siren) I wanted to name my book blog something calming and fun. (I really don't know why I wanted it to be calming) Mint Tea was the first thing I though of, hence, Mint Tea and A Good Book. And I do drink Mint Tea all the time. Especially in the winter. In the summer, I drink iced mint tea.
5.- Do you actually like Good Books O.o? Kidding! recommend me a good book :)
MT&AGB: Ok, I'm going to recommend to you my top 6 favorite books I've read so far in 2011.
Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Heist Society by Ally Carter
Matched by Ally Condie
Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen
6.- From her About: "She has a natural talent for falling down stairs" ???? LOL, care to explain?
MT&AGB: Ah, the stair falling. You'd be surprised how often I get asked about this! I get comments on it ALL THE TIME! :) I think it's rather funny! So yes, I do have habit of falling down stairs. I'm kind of clumsy, I think it's because my feet are so big. :P Erin falls downstairs quite a bit too. We were at the bookstore the other day and she went tumbling down the stairs
7.- and this question goes to Co-Blogger Erin: if you where given two new fat bunnies, how would you call them? Please not Cutie and Patootie!!... again. ^^
MT&AGB: (Erin) If I renamed my bunnies again, I would name them Lucy and Ethel. The personality of Lucy and Ethel describes my rabbits, they are very mischievous. Cutie would be Ethel, because she is sort of the follower of Patootie. Patootie would be Lucy because she is stubborn and very mischievous.
8.- And now, as tradition in the In Between. Yup. Limbo. You get to give us a more detailed description of your Blog :))
MT&AGB: Mint Tea and A Good Book is a YA review blog. I started it in February of 2011 b/c I had seen a few other book blogs and thought they were way cool and I could totally do one since I loved reading so much. To be honest I had no idea there was such a book blogging community until then, but the YA book blogging community truly is amazing! Ok, now the blog design. I get asked about the blog design a lot, and yes, I did do the blog design. I created it using photoshop and picnik and I think it turned out quite nicely. :) Here is what the About Mint Tea and A Good Book Thing says on our blog.
The name, Mint Tea and A Good Book, sort of came out of the blue. I know some bloggers who spent days thinking about the right name for their blog. I think I spent less than a minute. For some reason, I wanted a blog name that was calming and cute. Mint Tea and A Good Book was the first thing I thought of!
Soon I began visiting more book blogs and making other bloggy buddies. And before I knew it, book blogging was one of the things I enjoyed most! I began posting more reviews, and meeting more authors, etc.
One day, when Mint Tea and A Good Book was still a young blog, an author asked me to do a review. I was completely blown away! I thought that only "Big" blogs got review requests! But Mint Tea and A Good Book's review requests didn't stop there! Before long, getting review requests was a normal thing for me. I even got sent ARC's, which was something I never expected!
In June of 2011 I (Meredith) decided it would be nice to have another person contributing to the blog. It took a while before I figured out the perfect person to help with Mint Tea and A Good Book. And I finally settled on the most perfect person, Erin!
Today, Erin and I review and talk to authors all the time, promoting books and spreading the love! To be continued... (as Mint Tea and A Good Book's life goes on)
Don't forget to check this awesome summer Giveaway going on at Mint Tea and A Good Book!