IMM is hosted by Kristi from The Story Siren.
Back from Vacations and Bye to Borders u.u
I just got back from my Vegas Vacations!! Which seemed to short >.< I want to go again :D! that's the thing I love about Vegas, no matter how many times you go, it is never the same ;)
aside from this I'm going to fall into deep depression! Borders is Closing!!! U_U I've always been a Borders Girls, sometimes WalMart but mostly Borders! Borders will always have a special place in my heart. RIP.
In what I think was my last trip to Borders - I'm hoping to go one more time! - I got:
Falling For Hamlet and A Need So Beautiful are part of my 18th B-day Giveaway, even though I have them now It does not affect at all the giveaway, it just means I'm closer to getting all my B-day Book Wish List come true! ^^
So what do YOU have in your Mailbox? Leave me a link and I'll do my best to stop by :D!