Series: Fallen, Book 2
Date Released: September 28th 2010
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages: 452 pages
Format: Hardcover
Source: Borders
At Shoreline, Luce learns what the Shadows are, and how she can use them as windows to her previous lives. Yet the more Luce learns, the more she suspects that Daniel hasn't told her everything. He's hiding something - something dangerous. What if Daniel's version of the past isn't actually true? What if Luce is really meant to be with someone else? The second novel in the addictive FALLEN series . . . where love never dies.
My Review:
How many lives do you need to live
Before you find someone
Worth dying for?
Well, one thing is for sure, this book, is not, worth dying for. I know this sounds bad, and like its going to be a hater review but, I actually find my situation amusing. Just stick around.
For starters, the story sounds great, a school of Nephilim, cool! Its gonna be like Hogwarts, but instead of fighting Voldemort, you fight Outcasts. Well No. its exactly the same as Sword & Cross, only with brighter colors and sexier students.
Strike One!
Another thing is, for as much as I rummage through my mind, I can’t seem to remember why I even liked Daniel In the first place. I swear every single time, he and Luce meet. They fight, end up pissed off at each other, and go their separate ways. Every single Freaking time!!! And its not like, two or three, its like six or seven! And in the summary is says: What if Luce is meant to be with someone else? I assume that guy is Mike, though I am not so sure, because the phrase makes it sound like a total soul mate that shares a super connection with her, but its not Daniel. So, Pl-ease, cut the drama. Yeah, he is cute and I like him way better than Daniel. But the Luce-Mike crush and the Daniel-Luce I hate you episodes. . . total turn off.
Strike Two!
I still can’t believe I manage to get to the ending of this book – well, I actually can, I just designed a mantra system: it cost you 17.99 dollars plus tax, the least you can do is finish the freaking thing – and when I'm like, 3 chapters before the end, I was hooked, and couldn’t put the goddamn thing down.
Strike Three! And Your Ou- Wait, What?
Yup. The Ending. Was. Great. (or maybe just good I’m still not sure). Total Cliffhanger. And a final shocking decision. I think I now hate the book more. I had long decided when I started the story, that I wouldn’t continued reading this series, and then this! Who does that? That was just cruel Miss Lauren Kate!
So, Will I be reading the Third Book? Yes. And since I am so predictable, here’s what’s going to happen: No matter how much I hate Passion – Passion being the third Book in the Fallen Series – I’m gonna buy the fourth one, why? Because I’ll tell myself, you already have the first three! Might as well have the whole collection and finish the story. . . and the covers are pretty.
Yup. That would be my somehow conclusion. The book didn’t suck so much, it had some good points too, like the new characters, I just thought they were all more fun than the ones at Sword & Cross, more sparkly or. . . I don’t know. Its the Nephilim-Angel thing I’m sure. Luce was a little bit more useful, and disobeyed Daniel *Gasp*, and I really like the theme of good and evil and how the one that wins, chooses how history is written. . . I’m not sure that was the right way to say it but, xD, It’s a conversation in a Dinner, you’ll see.
I would give this story two and a half stars but, something is still picking on me, ^^, so, Argh! What the hell! I’ll give it three! xD.
If you read Fallen, you should continue, If you haven’t . . . think about it real well, you’ll be getting on board a lame, addicting ship. . .
"Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith."